Celebrating Doctors' Day

National Doctors’ Day is celebrated annually on March 30th. This date was selected for the holiday in recognition of the anniversary of the day anesthesia was first administered to a patient by Dr. Long in 1842. In 1990, President George H. W. Bush signed a law designating Doctors' Day as a new national holiday to be celebrated on March 30.  

The Sequoia Hospital Foundation is honored each year to help recognize Sequoia Hospital's outstanding physicians, nurse practitioners and allied professionals for their care and dedication to our community. Annually, we host a special breakfast in the Foundation office of waffles, smoothies and specialty coffees to start their day. This year the Foundation was also proud to honor our physicians by announcing our support of a physician wellness initiative that helps care for their mind, body, and spirit. We are also proud to share with our physicians some of the comments we receive from grateful patients and their family members honoring our medical staff.  The comments come to the Foundation through our annual Doctors’ Day campaign.  

Please join us in thanking the men and women who care for us and provide the gift of  excellent health care.